Offering world-class bone, joint, and muscle care to the Grand Strand and surrounding communities, OrthoSC is your source for exceptional pickleball injury care for players at every level.
We understand that staying active is vital, and pickleball is a fantastic way to do it. But like any sport, injuries can occur. Pickleball players have specific demands, and specialized attention is crucial when injuries arise. Our team of specialty-trained pickleball specialists boasts extensive experience treating pickleball injuries. We collaborate to create personalized treatment plans that address your pain or limitations, ensuring a fast return to the court.
Our doctors prioritize getting athletes back to their peak performance and keeping everyone moving. At OrthoSC, we offer this focused expertise to pickleball players. Our goal is to help you excel on the court after recovering from an injury.
Our team at OrthoSC is proud to be part of the national group known as Pickleball Doctors. Offering expert advice on injury prevention and performance enhancement, Pickleball Doctors is dedicated to helping you dominate the court.
Stay in the Game: Pickleball Play & Injury Prevention
You can improve your game and prevent injuries at the same time. The Pickleball 10 to Win program, developed by your leaders in treating pickleball injuries at OrthoSC, is a comprehensive workout program designed to improve gameplay and prevent injury. Read on for a guided list of the 10 top stretches and exercises.
Pickleball 10 to Win
Use these targeted stretches and exercises to improve your agility, strength, flexibility, and endurance to stay at the top of your pickleball game.
Step 1. Stand straight or lie on your back and open up your arms, pulling your shoulders back to broaden your chest.
Step 2. Bring your arms back in, wrapping them around your chest, and pat the back of your shoulders.
Step 3. Repeat quickly 20 times.
For the Win: Do some resistance bear hugs. Hold a resistance band around your back. Then, reach your arms out in front of you like you are hugging someone. Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, but keep your posture straight. Keep your feet together and jump up and down in place. Repeat for 30 seconds.
For the Win: Do some single-leg hops. Balance on one leg and hop in place for 30 seconds. Repeat while balancing on your other leg. For better agility training, use a line to hop over from left to right.
Lie on your side with your legs straight and one leg on top of the other. Bend your knees slightly and move your top leg toward the sky or ceiling. Lift your leg slowly and lower it slowly. Repeat 10 times on each side.
For the Win: Try resistance leg lifts! While lying on your side, place a resistance band around your legs and above your knees while you complete your leg lifts. For more of a challenge, place the band around your ankles.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and lift one foot off the ground. If you need, hold your arms out to help you balance. Hold this position for up to a minute or as long as you can and repeat on the other side.
For the Win: Do single-leg extensions. Stand on one foot. Lift your other leg, extending it behind you, in front of you, and off to the side. Center your leg before each extension. Repeat 15 times on each side.
Stand on one foot and pull the other behind you, holding the ankle. If you need, hold onto something for balance. Pull your heel toward your buttocks, and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on each side.
For the Win: Do kneeling quad stretches. Kneel on one knee with the opposite foot planted flat in front of you. Push your hips forward and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat for 3 sets on each side.
Put a resistance band around a stable surface, like a tree or fence, holding the band in each hand. Stand facing the band with your feet hip-width apart. Pull the band toward you, squeezing your shoulder blades. Return to your starting position. Repeat 15 times.
For the Win: Do some bodyweight rows. Instead of resistance bands, use your body weight. Find a stable horizontal surface, such as a table or bar, and lie underneath it, grasping the surface firmly with both hands. Pull yourself up then lower yourself back down. Repeat 15 times.
Put your hands and knees on the ground, and then extend your legs behind you. Support your weight on your forearms and toes. Keep your body straight from your head to your heels. Hold this position as long as you can.
For the Win: Try side planks with resistance in your arms. Support your weight on one foot and forearm. Hold a resistance band in both hands, and extend your free arm toward the sky or ceiling. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lift your heels off the ground, rising up onto the balls of your feet. Pause as you get to your tip-toe position, then lower your heels slowly back down to the ground. Repeat 20 times.
For the Win: Try single-leg heel raises. Instead of using both feet, lift one foot off the ground while putting your weight on the other foot and lifting that heel up. Repeat 20 times on each side.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your hips down and back as if you are sitting down in a chair. Keep your weight on your heels. Return to a standing position. Repeat 10 times.
For the Win: Try single-leg squats. Instead of two feet down as you squat, lift one foot off the ground and extend it in front of you as you lower your hips and return to a standing position. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Take a big step forward with one foot. Lower your hips down until your front knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep your weight on your front heel. Push off your front foot to return to a standing position. Repeat 10 times on each side.
For the Win: Do backward and side lunges. For backward lunges, take a big step backward, lower, and push off your back foot to return to standing. For side lunges, take a step out to the side, lower yourself on that side, and push back up from that foot to return to standing.
When to Seek a Pickleball Injury Expert
Ignoring pain on the court can set you back further in the long run. Don't risk worsening your injury. See a specialist at OrthoSC if you experience any severe symptoms like popping sounds, difficulty putting weight on your injury, or pain that just won't quit. Even if the pain isn't constant, but gets worse during or after you play, it's a sign to get a professional evaluation. Additionally, if you find yourself struggling to move freely or perform basic movements on the court, that's another indicator of a deeper issue. Remember, the sooner you seek help, the sooner our team can diagnose your injury and get you back to enjoying pickleball.
Schedule an appointment today if you're experiencing any of these common pickleball injuries:
- Sharp or dull pain: Localized in the affected area
- Swelling: Visible inflammation or puffiness around the injury
- Tenderness: Increased sensitivity to touch or pressure
- Bruising: Discoloration of the skin due to broken blood vessels
- Limited mobility: Difficulty moving the affected joint or limb
- Weakness: Reduced strength or inability to exert force properly
- Stiffness: Feeling of tightness or immobility in the muscles or joints
- Weight-bearing difficulty: Inability to put weight on the injured limb or joint
- Clicking or popping: Audible or palpable clicking or popping in the joint
- Warmth: Increased temperature or heat felt around the injured area
Common pickleball injuries include:
- Achilles tendon injuries
- Elbow and shoulder injuries
- Knee injuries, including sprains and tears
- Muscle strains in the legs, back, or arms
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Sprained ankles
- Strains and fractures of the wrist

Who to See for Pickleball Injury Care
Don't let pain sideline your pickleball game! At OrthoSC, our team of experts specializes in getting you back to the sport you love. We offer personalized care plans that address your specific injury, starting with nonsurgical approaches whenever possible.
Our experienced doctors understand the importance of a precise diagnosis. They'll use their expertise to create a treatment plan that gets you moving again.
Recover and Thrive on the Court: Expert Pickleball Care at OrthoSC
Looking to optimize your pickleball game and prevent injuries? At OrthoSC, our team of pickleball specialists understands the unique demands of the sport. We leverage our expertise to craft personalized treatment plans that get you back on the court feeling your best.
Our focus is on helping you achieve peak performance through nonsurgical solutions whenever possible. However, if surgery is necessary, our highly skilled doctors utilize the latest minimally invasive techniques for a faster, safer recovery.
Pickleball-Related Injuries & Care
Our advanced team of specialists addresses a variety of injuries and conditions commonly experienced by pickleball players. From sprains to tendon injuries, our experts offer comprehensive treatment options to facilitate your recovery. Many pickleball injuries can be resolved with adequate rest and at-home remedies, but other injuries require assessment from an expert to determine the best course of treatment. To learn more about these injuries, please use the links provided.
Urgent Care Is Now Expert Care
Pickleball injuries often require the right care, right away. For urgent bone, joint, and muscle needs, walk into our orthopedic Urgent Care in Market Common or North Myrtle Beach to get help immediately.
Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.